Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stones and Crystals

Have you ever did a crystal or stone meditation??? Let me know if you had and how it went...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Finished

I just finished my Magickal Herbalism class hopefully I'll get an A and I'll get my Certificate of Completion. Whoo hoo!!! I'm very excited about Imbolc I can't wait til Feb 2. Ok so I don't no what else to say so I'll write again later.
Blessed Be

Monday, January 17, 2011

Finishing Wiccan Homework

I've been taking classes like I wrote earlier and I'm trying to work through it. I'm 3 assignments in my Wicca 2 class and 2 assignments in to Crystal and Stone Magick. I'm only 1 assignment in to my Magickal Herbology course but i just completed 2 more assignments I just need to take a pic for one of them and I'll be able to hand them both in. Woot!!! Anyway so what have all of you been up to??? Witchy or otherwise. I'd love to hear about it.
Blessed Be

Friday, January 14, 2011

I Got In!!!

I applied to The Firefly Academy...and I got in!!! I even tested out of Wicca 1!!! I am now taking Wicca 2, Magickal Herbology, and Stones and Crystals. I'm very excited!!! I already did 2 assignments for the Wicca 2 class and I got 100% on the first assignment!!! I trying to work on the other classes assignments. For the final project in the Wicca 2 class I'm going to have to write an essay on a god or goddess I think I am going to Aphrodite. I would do it on Nyx but there doesn't really seem like there is too much info on her which makes me sad but I have other choices. Anyway there you go if you are reading this you should check out Firefly Academy.
Blessed Be

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hey Everyone I is Back

I am back everyone!!! My friend just left which makes me a little sad since I never see her though I'm hopping now that we are both older and have cars we'll be able to see each other more. I apologize that this episode won't have much to do with Wicca but I am discussing what is going on with me. Anyway as I said I'm hopping that we will see each other more of each other and more then likely she will end up coming here to go to college which would mean I'll probably be seeing her often. O.K. so enough of that I wanted to say that I ordered and received more Wiccan books. So for a topic what are some of your favorite books that you have read. Wiccan or otherwise.
Blessed Be

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Won't Be Writing for a Couple Days

A friend of mine is suppose to come to town today so I won't be writing until she leaves thanks for understanding. 
Blessed Be

Monday, January 10, 2011

Witchcraft Related Movies

I just finished watching The Craft and I am now watching Practical Magic one of my fav. movies. So my question that I send out into the universe any of you like watching witchcraft and Wicca related movies. Even if they really don't have anything to do with the craft the real craft, and tend to be dramatized. I personally enjoy them they often make me laugh a little at how Hollywood seem to think of Wicca. Makes us seem all powerful. Like we are all gods our selves lol. Anyway that's just my words for thought.
Blessed Be

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thinking of Imbolc

So today I've been thinking of what I want to do for Imbolc. I purchased a basket with Imbolc supplies which I shall do a circle with but I cannot decide what else to do for the lovely pre-spring holiday. Imbolc is when is sorta starts to get warmer and when the daytime begins to get longer. Its a good time to do a magickal cleansing of the home to get rid of the winter blues and to make way for the physical cleaning to be down when Ostara shows it holiday head. A fellow Wiccan said she plans on doing a cleansing and I think I just might follow in those thoughts though I am still not possitive.
Blessed Be

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random Thoughts

Today I thought I'd discuss something along the lines of podcasts. I've been listening to a bunch...well not a bunch i downloaded a bunch I have yet to listen to them all. I've listened to the iPod Witch and the Firefly Chronicles. I also listened to the Little Kitchen Witch as well. I was very interesting and informative I'll have to re-listen to it so I can write down what she talks about. The Little Kitchen Witch gives many recipes for incense and some for food as well as others. The iPod Witch is more kinda like a talk show she discusses things that people ask her and she does reviews for books she enjoys and does crystal sections. Its very cool and she has a very fun accent. The Firefly Chronicles is a podcast that talks about different events that happened or is happening one of the main one was the dispute that was going on related to the fact that they wouldn't put the pentacle on an army mans head stone since it was not an approved religious symbol. She discussed other things as well depending on the cast. That's all I shall write for now.
Blessed Be!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

All Welcome

Hello ya'll,
I welcome you. I hope you enjoy this blog and I hope that I actually get some followers or readers. I want to discuss Wicca and anything magickal. So to begin with I will just write out my musings. But once people actually start reading I would love it if people would ask questions so that I can discuss the answers on this blog site. I hope all goes well and everything works out, but for now I am tired and shall depart and go to sleep.
Blessed Be