Saturday, April 2, 2011

Video Re-formatting...

I have decided that I am actually gunna start making my youtube videos have some sort of substance. I intend on having different segments like a Tarot segment, crystal segment, random topics segment and maybe eventually a spell segment but that would mean I'd actually have to start doing more spells but then again maybe doing a segment on the subject will help me get my ass in gear and I'll actually start doing stuff... so ya each segment will be about 5 min long I think so since youtube won't let ur vids be over 15 mins I can't have more then 5 segments... But that's ok I can always change around what segments I'll do per video!!! I hope ya'll enjoy the new formatting I think it will be more interesting!!!

1 comment:

  1. From now on you should post links to your videos. Instead of saying, "Hey guys, I've got a new video!" Say, "Hey guys, I've got a new video! You can find it here -> [link]."

    Same with your book reviews.
